1. We will match the best Build for you with the gears we got, and fast grind Great Rift Level95!
2. Use Kanai's Cube to Extract Legendary Power:
Reilena's Shadowhook
Corpsewhisper Pauldrons
Krysbin's Sentence
3. Legendary Gems:
Bane of the Trapped
Bane of the Powerful
Zei's Stone of Vengeance
4. You need to provide your account.
5. You will get all the other legendaries during the order, and free paragon leveling.
6. This dress-up and build will help you easily clear GR95.
7. ETA: 1-2 Weeks.
Tip: If you need different matched set, please feel free to contact our online support.
Best for: Necromancer