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Diablo 3: Treasure Goblins Are Rear and Extremely Rewarding

Some Diablo 3 players think that Blizzards stop steal nerfs because one gamer said he cannot find Goblin Treasure after getting through Halls of Agony second tier for 27 times . Here, the community manager Nevalistis explained that the treasure Goblin is relatively rare rewarding, and Goblin Treasure themselves are not meant to appear at a certain area. Here, read the original post on the official post: 

"I've been working on the hotfix list for a while, which has now been updated, but sometimes it can take some time to verify everything. There were a lot of fixes that went out recently, and we make it a point to double (and sometimes triple) check to make sure they're accurate before we post them.

The Vault is meant to be a relatively rare and fun interlude. We want it to feel extremely rewarding when it's encountered. When we implemented on the PTR, in order to facilitate testing, it had a much higher spawn rate. A zone like this can be frequent or it can be awesomely rewarding, but not both or it dilutes both its purpose and how great it can feel. The idea is for it to be memorable and a special experience rather than another place to farm regularly.

In addition, Treasure Goblins themselves are meant to be a rare occurrence, and no zone should have a 100% spawn rate for them. Any additional instances of this should be reported in our Bug Report forum."

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