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Professional Diablo 3 Guides You Should Know

You know that you should make three important choices in the pre-game: forming a party from the yesterday post. Today, I will continue to tell you some Diablo 3 season guides. Actually, you not only need professional guides if you want to play the game better. Good D3 Items are also necessary to play Diablo 3.

You have two major options for activities during leveling in Adventure Mode: bounties and rifts. To maximize leveling efficiency, consider doing the bounties in the Act with an active bounty bonus; the game will automatically start the game in it, and the act will be tagged as such when you open the world map. There will always be an active bounty for a random act Boss; ones that do not require a lot of running to find them are particularly attractive (i.e. Zoltun Kulle, Maghda, Belial), but completing the Boss bounty in general will net you good experience right at the start, as well as a chest that contains nice starting loot. After the Boss bounty, consider finishing the remaining bounties in the Act with active bonuses for a chance at the Cain's Fate and Born's Defiance crafting plans; both are sets craftable at the blacksmith, whose bonuses yield additional experience to speed up leveling.

After you complete the above, it is time to consider leveling by Massacre bonuses. The Massacre bonus XP system was revised in Patch 2.4.1 into a multiplicative experience bonus that rewards you for chaining kills of monsters. The caveat is this bonus only works in bounties — and not during Rifts. To successfully pull of long chains of monster kills, pick highly populated zones — the Cathedral (Act I), Halls of Agony Level 3 (Act I) and most notably, Fields of Misery (Act I). The tactic is to always be on the move, leading monsters into one another, abusing Cursed Chests for monster spawns, and generally using skills with DoTs or high AoE (Rend for Barbarian,Blessed Hammer for Crusader,Multishot for Demon Hunter,Wave of Light for Monk,Locust Swarmfor Witch Doctors,Blizzard for Wizards). While Massacre leveling will require frequent restarts of the game (every 5-10 minutes), it will result in some of the fastest leveling in Diablo 3, clocking under the 2 hour mark when you get the hang of it. Due to its individual nature and the level of coordination required to pull it off in a multiplayer game, leveling by Massacre bonuses can only be recommended for 2+ players if they are experienced and have voice communication; this is predominantly a solo leveling technique. It also has the considerable downside of losing the increased legendary drop rate and blood shards of rifting.

For groups and players that do not stress losing an hour in the 1-70 race, the general recommendation is to stick to rifts for the 1-70 journey. Rifts grant you increased legendary drop rate, blood shards for gambling, and a hefty 'hand in' bonus at the end. While rifting has a higher degree of randomness than bounties (map layout, monster density and composition are all RNG), the removal of Rift Keystones as a requirement to open them allows you to simply remake if you get a bad (difficult or slow) rift.

A lesson best learned early in Diablo is focusing on larger groups of enemies and ignoring stragglers to the best of your ability — take advantage of the fact that only individual enemies you must fight are Rift Guardians. In the endgame, this will translate in efficient skipping of bad fights and better farming results; during leveling, it will result in you hitting max level faster. To summarize, adopt AoE spells and teach yourself to concentrate fire on larger packs of enemies, luring stragglers to them.

And finally, minimize your own downtime — this is a common pitfall that is hard to realize, because it is unique and personal for everyone. Whether it is out-of-game distractions like TV or a second monitor, or redundant in-game activities like excessive crafting, that downtime will drag your leveling process unnecessarily. As a rule of thumb, remember that pre-70 gear will be quickly outgrown and pondering between items of similar power — or rerolling any of them — is more than likely a waste of your time. Good leveling times fall somewhere in the 2 to 3 hours range, so anything over that points at downtimes and skipping one or more of the recommendations above.

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