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Check Out Latest Diablo 3 Act 2 Boss Guide on D3itemsale.com!

Recently Blizzard officially announced that Diablo 3 Season 16 will arrive soon! However, there aren't many information or new contents release about Season 16. Obviously, we have to wait for a month till we finally get the chance to start a new journey. And while we are waiting, d3itemsale.com want to share the boss guide of Diablo 3 with you all. We have shared Act 1 boss previously, today let's check out the Act 2 boss. Cheapest price and 100% safe instant delivery are guaranteed for you to buy d3 boost on our website without registration and any risk!

It's well-known that there are three bosses need you to defeat in Act 2- Caldeum. Each one is more powerful and challenge to defeat. So, read this guide carefully will definitely help you.

You'll be sick of Maghda's ramblings by the time you fight against her. Her preference is to get a little distance between the two of you, then throw magical damage your way. She might not have the biggest boss health pool in the game, but she does have an invincibility shield which she'll sporadically activate.

Watch out for the minions she spawns throughout the fight. They're not painfully difficult to deal with, but you will want to despatch the lot of them before returning to Maghda herself. None of her damage is particularly overwhelming, so just concentrate on rushing her down as quickly as you can. To rush her quickly needs you to be very powerful and strong, which means you may need to buy d3 power leveling to make sure your are upgraded before you start this fight. 

Zoltun Kulle
Zoltun gets off to a bit of an unfair advantage by having two massive magical golems on his side. Concentrate on taking the pair of them down before getting started on Zoltun - they can really cause a problem if they're left unchecked.

Once they're dead, you'll have to contend with Zoltun himself, as well as his arsenal of arcane magical tricks. Remember to stay out of the way of the tornadoes he summons, as they can quickly whittle your health down, and move out of the slowing bubble as soon as it appears. Don't worry too much about the fireballs he throws your way though, as they do very little damage.

There are three phases to the fight against Belial. First of all, he'll summon waves of guards which you'll need to finish off as quickly as you can. They don't do a lot of damage, so just keep thinning out their ranks will do. Once you've survived a flurry of ambushes, you'll move into the second phase of the fight. The most important this is you’d better buy diablo 3 items in advance to get yourself prepared for Belial is absolutely a big challenge in the last phase! 

At this point, Belial himself gets stuck in while continuing to summon more minions. When fighting these creatures, stay out of the way of Belial's green orbs, and make sure you move out of any blue damage zones that appear beneath your feet. Otherwise, just deal with the minions and throw as much damage Belial's way as you can.

Eventually, you'll trigger the third and final phase of the fight, and it's by the far the trickiest of the three. Watch out for the green circles that appear on the floor, and move out of them as soon as they appear. This is particularly important when they arrive in a flurry, as getting stuck in one of these will strip your health down rapidly. Avoid his swirling breath attack by staying far to the right-hand side of the battle arena.

All tips may help you are mentioned above, remember them will definitely make your fight less challenge. If you need any help or want to buy d3 items, please feel free to visit d3itemsale.com at nay time. We are always here for you and very honored to offer you help!

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