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Diablo 3 the demon hunter hate generation skills explanation

Generally speaking, the demon hunter will choose as their arrows after commencing hatred generation skills, but in fact, in most cases, it's damage output is low. Let's take a look at these skills of the actual data:

Spoilers: you may greatly underestimated avoid shooting-covering fire this powerful rune skills.

To make a long story short

General type: avoid shooting-covering fire

Single goal: after bite gobble up arrow-arrows

Many goals (3-5 goals) : avoid shooting-covering fire

Group AOE (more than six goals) : grenades-flame bomb

Edit: updated the winding shooting-serial lock of data

This paper will focus on skills the bulk of the damage output capacity. Very many skills can provide some other aspects of income (such as group control), these are difficult to accurately calculate things, is also highly dependent on personal style of play. In most (not all), the hope can players maximum damage, and use other the demon hunter skills to control and defense.

And please remember, creating a more powerful people need to some extent balance of production and consumption hatred-if you choose a very powerful AOE hatred produce skills, so you may want to ensure that have a strong for a single target damage output hatred consumption skills.

Finally, please note that this article and not for all the rune skills provide the calculated results. This just because some rune did not provide additional damage, or in some way to fundamentally deficient. So if you think we obviously missing some skills please reply, we will go to try.

After bite arrow

Note: arrows may be wide of the target, causing actual efficiency should be lower than this list in the show that value. Therefore, in comparison with other AOE "sweeping" skills, please remember AOE ability is not loose arrows but simple no brain thrown out the enemy hit.

1, puncture arrow (+ 15% chance pierced)

2, sagittal split (puncture split after 3 arrows)

3 and devour the arrow (piercing damage increased 70%)

Single goal: arrows "arrows" engulfed puncture sagittal split

Objectives: sagittal split up arrow "puncture of arrows

Group AOE: sagittal split up arrow "puncture of arrows

Tied shadow play

Note: arrows may be wide of the target, causing actual efficiency should be lower than this list in the show that value. Therefore, in comparison with other AOE "sweeping" skills, please remember AOE ability is not loose arrows but simple no brain thrown out the enemy hit.

1, lightning chains (to chain of strange + 18% DPS periodic damage)

2, serial lock (+ 2 goals)

Lightning chains calculation

The basis of 75% weapon damage plus 18% of each target DPS:

1 goal: each strike about 93% of the damage

Goal 2: each strike about 121% of the damage

Serial lock calculation

75% of base weapon damage * target quantity

1 goal: every time damage by 75%

Goal 2: every time damage by 150%

Three goals: every time damage by 225%

Four goals: every time damage by 300%

Single goal: lightning chains

Objectives: lightning chains

Group AOE: lightning chains

Tied hammer the

Note: arrows may be wide of the target, causing actual efficiency should be lower than this list in the show that value. Therefore, in comparison with other AOE "sweeping" skills, please remember AOE ability is not loose arrows but simple no brain thrown out the enemy hit.

The etched strike (shoot 3 hair play, and remove AOE explosion effect)

Such a disaster (to the main target + 52% damage, AOE damage + 44%)

Single goal: such a disaster

Objectives: such a disaster

Group AOE: such a disaster


Note: in our tests, three grenade one can only have 1 rocket attack to a monster, not 3. If can prove each grenades multiple hit monsters of words, this ability will become more powerful.

1, cluster grenade (+ 17% damage, increase blast radius)

2, the flame bomb (+ 28% damage)

3 and poison gas grenade (25% of the DPS foe damage)

Single goal: flame bomb

Objectives: flame bomb

Group AOE: gas grenade

Avoid shooting

Note: if the enemy is in front of you, the skills of the shoot arrows will never shot wide. Here are of damage is almost completely accurate numerical.

1, covering fire (3 arrows)

AOE skills (no arrows) for each enemy that deals 125% weapon damage:

1 the enemy: 125%

2 the enemy: 250%

3 the enemy: 375%


Again, please note that these calculations to only the original damage output, and assumed that every attack will hit. Tied the disaster-hammer with a lot of potential damage, but it also has a 2 second of delay. Avoid shooting: covering fire damage in the middle of the line, but it is almost impossible to attack the shot wide, at the same time there is a fairly small blast radius. In this paper, only as a guide to skills, is the comparison of the scheme as skills with reference data.

Conclusion summary

In most cases, my advice is:

Single goal: after bite gobble up arrow-arrows

This is clear. For a single monster has the highest damage output, big range and part of bringing tracking ability.

Objectives: dodge shooting-covering fire

It's against bringing "strafe the type hit" attributes (and surprising defensive synergy-including can pass through "the wall" out of the wall, and most of the part of the terrain object and corner), makes it a deal with 3 to 5 a monster group of natural selection.

Group AOE: grenades-flame bomb

Although the flame bomb damage output than tied the hammer-disaster to low, but it can be launched to blame group of the central then set off, and tied the will only hit hammer line of the first enemy limiting some potential monster hit. For those big group of monsters (10 +), it is difficult to find a better choice than the flame bomb.

General situation: dodge shooting-covering fire

I have worked in other place said, if you're looking for a can at any time for any situation of ability, so that's it. It in a single goal of the insufficiency of the damage for the defense of multi-objective ability and the output. The only thing you need to a single target output is the case in the boss war, small boss war or elite strange group of the last one strange, in these cases, you really should use a demon hunter's cow force flash to popcorn hatred shining the consumption of skills- -the ghost tentacles.

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